Falmouth photographer captures the WORLD LEADERS

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Source: https://falmouth.nub.news/n/falmouth-g7-ca...


What a sight to sea! Britain's best coastal photographs battle it out for prestigious prize

Stunning photographs of Britain's coast battle it out for the prestigious prize in a photography competition run by a national maritime charity.   

The eighth annual Ultimate Sea View competition, run by the Shipwrecked Mariners' Society, was on the lookout for photographers to submit their favourite images of the ocean.  Applicants were encouraged to look back through their photo albums to submit images of the UK coastline - as the pandemic had a great impact on travel plans - as well as putting forward images taken more recently. 

Chief Executive of the Shipwrecked Mariners’ Society, Captain Justin Osmond, said: 'We were blown away this year by the sheer number of entries for the competition and the outstanding quality of images on show. 

'This year has been a challenging year for many, so it has been fantastic to see everyone come together and celebrate our coastline, our memories of the sea and those working there.'

'Mylor Harbour' by Ian Butler was the winner in the Ships and Wrecks category 2020

'Mylor Harbour' by Ian Butler was the winner in the Ships and Wrecks category 2020


WATCH: Photographer captures the many faces of Falmouth

A Falmouth photographer has unveiled his newest project 'Faces & Places'.

The black and white photograph compilation comes from photographer Ian Butler's time chatting to the many residents of Falmouth.

Ian Butler told Nub News:

"I was predominantly taking landscapes in Falmouth, but it wasn't until a rainy afternoon I took shelter in the Poly, its where I stumbled across a black and white street photography exhibition by a lady called Carey Sheffield.

"All these images of everyday town life got my creative ideas flowing, so I thought I would like to go out and chat to folk in town, ask how their day is going and just maybe they would let me photograph them for my projects.

"So rather than leave these images sitting on my laptop I thought I would collate all my Falmouth ones and create a slideshow."


WATCH: Falmouth photographer's powerful lockdown photo series

Ian Butler, a 54-year-old engineer and on-call fireman from Falmouth, has been taking pictures around the community to capture the crazy times we're currently living through.

Completely self-taught and a resident of Falmouth for all of his life, Ian is inspired by the works of other black and white street photographers - Alan Schaller, Sean Tucker and Kevin Mullins.

Ian spoke to Nub News about the motivation for beginning his photo diary:

"It was the day my daughter visited on Mother's Day and couldn't give her love to us.

"I took a photo through the glass which was very emotive to me, so from that moment I thought while we were in lockdown and I was allowed an hour exercise each day, I would walk my dog and take my camera with me and fulfil my passion for photography.

"Documenting these unprecedented times and creating a COVID-diary of people in the community, belonging to my hometown Falmouth. "